A couple years ago we found a new home for Merlin, our beloved black lab. It was a tough decision, but the right decision. His new family offered the perfect home- kids to entertain him, an active lifestyle sure to burn off his excess energy and most of all a loving commitment to care for our first baby.
We were fortunate to remain open and friendly with is new family and they were kind enough to let Merlin visit us a few times per year. We couldn't believe how much better behaved he was on his first visit home. They were obviously better masters than Mollie or I could ever hope to be.
They started a special Facebook page just for Merlin and Mollie received regular texts/emails from Katrina (Merlin's new mom) updating us on Merlin and his new family. Rather quickly the emails started paving a friendship centered not just around Merlin but around being moms and raising kids. Katrina Lewis and her husband, Jason, have an adult son and two girls- Marissa, age 13 and Sophia, age 3 (Boo's age).
So what do Merlin and his new family have to do with Boo? Why am I sharing this story? Because as bad as our situation with Boo might appear, their situation is 100x worse.
-Last summer Katrina miss-carried half-way through her pregnancy
-In September Jason got laid off from his job
-Sophia has grown up a frequent visitor to the hospital. In late September or early October she was diagnosed with Intussusecption (this was an early concern when we first brought Boo to the hospital. It's where the intestines kaleidoscopes in on itself), migraines, food allergies and inexplicable joint pain
-Katrina became pregnant last February and has been on bed rest since March
-Because Jason wasn't working and couldn't find a job, they lost their house in July
-Their church graciously rented a temporary house. It's located next to a rail line where trains all night.
-The first night they were in the rental house a pipe burst and leaked throughout the living room.
-Marissa used to spend her time riding horses and travelling with her dad on business trips. Now, due to Katrina's bed rest, she's busy helping her dad raise her younger sister. And she even helped move from their old house to the rental. Neither are jobs for a 13 year old.
-Sophia, as I said earlier, is constantly in pain due to Intussusecption, constant migraines and inexplicable joint pain. And she's acutely allergic to most foods.
-Katrina is 31 weeks pregnant, been on bed rest most of the time due to placenta previa, has gestational diabetes, a kidney infection, and gallstones. She's 90% effaced and has contractions every three minutes. She goes to the hospital a few days per week for monitoring and they're worried about the overall health of the baby, Lily. Lily is having decelerations and is also under constant monitoring.
-All of this and they don't have insurance. It's to the point where they can't even afford gas to drive to the hospital for necessary monitoring.
-Jason served as the Vice President- Pacific Region for American Waterways Operators, the eyes, ears and voice of the tugboat, towboat and barge industry until he lost his job last September. He's tried getting jobs but is generally so over-qualified potential employers fear he'll quickly leave once he finds a better job.
Unfortunately the list could go on. These are good people going through a very bad ordeal. They don't even have family around to help and support them. You're probably still wondering what this has to do with Boo. Everything. We have the financial means to handle Boo's condition. Mollie and I both have families bending over backwards to help. We have so many people offering to make/bring us food we had to put Sarah LeClercq in charge of managing it. We even have the happiest nurses because of all the great treats people want to bring. You should see all the balloons and toys filling Boo's room. It's heartwarming. But it's also a little heart breaking because we know the Lewis family doesn't have it half as good as we do.
Spending so much time in and around the hospital has given us a new appreciation on health and a new perspective on how good we have it. The last thing on our mind is whether we can afford to put gas in the car to drive to/from the hospital. Can you imagine?!
Many of you have asked, and continue to ask, how you can help. The dinners, hospital visits, toys for Boo and treats for Boo have been fantastic and greatly appreciated. But Mollie and I think it's time to pay-it-forward. It's time to reach out and help the people who really need it.
For those of you who really want to help us, instead, help the Lewis family. They're the ones in need. There are a number of ways you can help:
-job leads for Jason (His resume his posted below)
-gas card
-grocery store gift card
-Costco gift card
Boo is sick but he'll quickly recover. The Lewis family has a long road to recovery. If possible please help:
The Lewis Family
8342 49th Loop SE
Olympia, WA 98513
-Nate and Mollie
Wow you are amazing people. That's all Ihave to say.
ReplyDeleteNate and Mollie,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. I, like so many others, would love to help in the most productive way. Know that you are in my thoughts. Being in the hospital with a sick child is not an easy task. I am so glad you are being taken care of by wonderful family and friends. Keep up the good work!
Betsy Hale Russell